Wednesday 23 June 2010

Post 1

For our course this year we need to have a good understanding of the definition skill. By having a understanding means that during the exam I will be able to express what skills I have learnt during the course.

There are many different definitions of the work skill however, from looking at many different sources and WebPages its clear that most think of skill as a way of problem solving when carrying out different tasks and having the ability to use your previously knowledge in the situation. However one of the definitions that stood out the most to me stated that a skill is learned compared to an ability that is innate. This says to me that it’s through our life experience that we are constantly building on our range of skills to use in different circumstances. In another definitions talks about how skill is having the ability to performer various types of cognitive and behavioural activities efficiently. I support this definitions supports other definitions I have found that states that skills are learned meaning, you have to be able to make the cognitive processes to develop and retain the skill. 

These are some of the links i found that define skill

My own definition of skill
A skill is something that does not come naturally to us which means all skills that we have must be learnt. Skills can be learnt though training. By training we can get a better understand of what is asked of us and should hopefully become easier and require less thought and is less time consuming. When creating our own media productions the more knowledge and understanding I have of certain skills, the more I will learn and be able to complete work confidently.

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