Friday 29 October 2010

Post 3a- Target Proccess

1. In my first target I wanted to improve upon and learn how to use photos hoop correctly so that I could produce a good quality postcard. I have not completed this target so far and I will need more time to complete. The reason that I haven’t managed to complete is due to the fact we haven’t got this far in the course yet where we are required to produce our post card. When it comes closer to creating and using photo shop I will do some practice example and then possibly merge a few designs together. By creating a range of designs I will be become more confident in using the work shop, which will lead to my final post card being a good quality

2.My second target was to make sure that I follow our shot list during production of our short film. I again haven’t been able to complete this target, as we haven’t got this far along in producing and directing our short films yet. However when it comes to creating our shot list I would like to spend a good amount of time working on it so I will be to the best of our abilities and will take our film look as professional as possible.

3.The next target I had was to use good English language when producing a film review for our short film. This is another target that I haven’t completed yet as we haven’t got this far along in the course. I would like to spend a lot of time thinking about all the relevant information I can add to the review as well as having peers to read over my work to make sure that it is interesting to the audience and will make them want to read on and later go and see the film.

4.My next target was to make sure that I stay organised throughout to make sure I don’t fall behind on tasks. I feel that this will be an ongoing process throughout the course and year however, I feel that so far I am keeping organised and that I am completing work and posts on time while also putting a lot of effort and thought into what I produce. I feel that by keeping on task I am able to add much more detail into my work as it is still fresh in my mind and I’m not having to spend longer rethinking what we talk about in class.

5.My final target was to make sure I did a lot of independent research in my pre-production tasks such as looking at popular genres and their box office profits. I feel that have some a large amount of independent study this year. I have looked at a wide range of short films and the response that they were getting from film festivals and did they win any awards. I’ve looked why do producers create these short films and all of the different techniques they are using to try and capture the audience. When thinking about my own storyline and script I have done a lot of research into people characteristics and does there characteristics  reflect the kinds of drink they consume. As well as looking at different personality types and seeing if I can relate them to previous character or cartoons.

Over all I feel that my targets are very achievable and I will be able to complete them during the course of this year. I will make sure I remember the targets I have set when completing my postproduction tasks such as writing a film review, as well during production tasks as I have past experience of what its like to not follow a shot list during production. I feel that I could set myself one new target, which would be.

  • To make sure I show and present my independent study on my Blog through post, this means the examiners can have a look visually at what independent study I have been doing and how it is relevant to the task we have been set

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